Sep 27, 2009

Drum & Bass: And The Horse You Rode In On

DnB Release

I am very excited to present “Drum & Bass : And The Horse You Rode In On”. This is a duo CD with PA Tremblay that was recorded in early 2009.

We shared a stage in 2008 and after exchanging some e-mails we decided to hit the studio. I showed up at Huddersfield University’s Studio with my ‘drums’ setup. PA had his 6-string fretless bass + Laptop setup, and we let it roll. After months of editing and mixing we carved out this gem. It’s 13 tracks of pure joy. The improvs range from textural laptop-scapes, to grimy stutter-hop, to some smooth jazz, and many other things that I can’t pretend to come up with names for (those above are inadequate enough).

The CD comes in a hand silk-screened cardboard package with artwork by Angela Guyton.

The Noise Upstairs hosted a CD release party on the 27th of September and PA and I performed an improv set. I will put up some video as soon as I finish editing it.


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Rodrigo Constanzo
-makes music and art
-lives in Porto/Manchester
-is a crazy person

Read my PhD Thesis!

Composition, Performance,
and Making Things,
sitting in a tree :


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