Feb 13, 2010

GEMDays Festival


After speaking at the Max/MSP Symposium at last years GEMDays Festival, PA Tremblay mentioned that he’s going to try to get me to perform at this years festival. One year later, it came to pass. I shared the night with Phil Archer. We were both interviewed before the concert, which was wonderful to hear how similar our paths had been, even though the results were rather different (we were both still playing on the ‘circuit-bending’ night).

Click here to download/hear the interview.

The performance went great, I felt. It was my first gig with my new drum setup. I modified a 16” floor tom into a nice little jungle bass drum. It sounds massive and boomy. Mmm mmm. I also bought a decent 12” Sonor rack tom, which I converted into a floor tom, along with piezos so it would work as a Sidrassi-Tom. It was also my first gig with my completed Party Bus mixer/8-bit looper/sampler.

Below are some pictures and a video of the performance.


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Rodrigo Constanzo
-makes music and art
-lives in Porto/Manchester
-is a crazy person

Read my PhD Thesis!

Composition, Performance,
and Making Things,
sitting in a tree :


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