Feb 10, 2011

16 Figures

16 Figures

I’m very excited to release “16 Figures”, a improv trio CD I recorded last year with Ray Evanoff and Iain Harrison. After recording Ray’s duo ATEMNT for The Noise Upstairs records last year I proposed an improv project to Ray, which quickly turned into a trio with Iain on sax. The original idea was to have lots of short improv pieces, but after rehearsing and discussing ideas, we scrapped the short pieces idea and just left it completely open. I sort of glazed over what the actual idea was from the start for the sake of everyone involved, but let me just say that it involved a movie with Vin Diesel….

On the recording I play Namasitar and Old Mr. Grassi (abbreviated to “strings and electronics”), Ray Evanoff plays amplified cymbal, and Iain Harrison plays alto saxophone.

The music is very….interesting. There’s something about the sound of electronics+cymbal scrapes+saxophone that is very visceral and almost uncomfortable.

Here is the official blurb:

Rodrigo Constanzo (amplified strings & electronics), Ray Evanoff (amplified cymbal), and Iain Harrison (saxophone) are about as diverse a trio of musicians as could be. With a collective background ranging from DIY instrument building to Brazilian music to big band, the three bring a lot to bear on the act of making music. This eclectic range of musical influences and experiences gives rise to improvisations which highlight both the unavoidable conflicts and the common ground which emerge as a result of their distinct backgrounds and outlooks. This diversity is acutely documented in their forthcoming album, 16 Figures, which features companion artwork produced specifically for the occasion by Angela Guyton. All three musicians, plus the artist, are currently based in the north of England.

Here is the bandcamp widget:

You can buy CD which comes in a hand stamped cardboard sleeve with artwork by Angela Guyton for £6 here.

Here are some pictures from the recording session.


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Rodrigo Constanzo
-makes music and art
-lives in Porto/Manchester
-is a crazy person

Read my PhD Thesis!

Composition, Performance,
and Making Things,
sitting in a tree :


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