Here you will find my conceptual framework for how I approach improvisation in general, and specifically my analysis of my own improvisations.

I have broken up all of the decision  making that happens during an improvisation into the following streams:

Material – Decisions dealing with manipulations of local, sonic materials. This can come in the form of instrumental behaviours or general development, but is open to context and interpretation.
Formal – Decisions dealing with form and transitions.
Interface – Decisions dealing with instrument, ergonomics, technology, and performance modalities.
Interaction – Decisions dealing with how materials interact. This is primarily dealing with simultaneous materials (as opposed to Formal decisions), but is not exclusively so.

Generating these analyses has given me some insight into how my decision making apparatus works in time. I can see explicit patterns and tendencies in the way decisions are structured, but more importantly, tuning in to that decision framework has let me draw a conceptual circle around that creative plane, and let me articulate on it.

Click here to read a detailed blog post detailing the motivations and background leading up to this approach.

Click here to read how to create an analysis for the system.

Click here to view and interact with the Everything. Everything at once. Once. (1a) analysis.

List of completed analyses:

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Rodrigo Constanzo
-makes music and art
-lives in Porto/Manchester
-is a crazy person

Read my PhD Thesis!

Composition, Performance,
and Making Things,
sitting in a tree :


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