Browsing articles in "Performances"
Feb 13, 2010

GEMDays Festival


After speaking at the Max/MSP Symposium at last years GEMDays Festival, PA Tremblay mentioned that he’s going to try to get me to perform at this years festival. One year later, it came to pass. I shared the night with Phil Archer. We were both interviewed before the concert, which was wonderful to hear how similar our paths had been, even though the results were rather different (we were both still playing on the ‘circuit-bending’ night). Continue reading »

Jan 25, 2010

Xiu Xiu & me and you

Xiu Xiu

So like, one of my bands, Deaf To Van Gogh’s Ear is opening up for Xiu Xiu next month (February 23rd). This is super, absolutely, truly, amazing. It’s the second time we’ve opened up for someone ‘starstruck-able’, the first time being when we opened up for Extra Life last year.


Nov 17, 2009

Piano + Laptop Improv

Piano and Laptop

Had the opportunity to open up for Ingrid Laubrock as part of The Noise Upstairs Presents. Since the venue (Cross Street Chapel) has a nice grand piano, I decided to forgo my recent ‘solo drums’ improv and do a piano set. I invited Scott Hewitt to join me on Laptop/Sampling. We hadn’t rehearsed prior to the gig, and had only played together as part of larger ensembles at Inclusive Improv sessions, so it it’s pretty fresh as far as fresh goes. Continue reading »

Nov 2, 2009

Takahashi on Tour

TSC Tour

Just finished a tour with Takahashi’s Shellfish Concern. It was amazing. We played in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Manchester, London, Huddersfield, and finally Manchester. Some amazing highs (Edinburgh & London), and some horrible lows (Glasgow). Continue reading »

Sep 27, 2009

Drum & Bass: And The Horse You Rode In On

DnB Release

I am very excited to present “Drum & Bass : And The Horse You Rode In On”. This is a duo CD with PA Tremblay that was recorded in early 2009.

We shared a stage in 2008 and after exchanging some e-mails we decided to hit the studio. I showed up at Huddersfield University’s Studio with my ‘drums’ setup. PA had his 6-string fretless bass + Laptop setup, and we let it roll. After months of editing and mixing we carved out this gem. It’s 13 tracks of pure joy. The improvs range from textural laptop-scapes, to grimy stutter-hop, to some smooth jazz, and many other things that I can’t pretend to come up with names for (those above are inadequate enough). Continue reading »

May 23, 2009

DRUM & BASS : And The Horse You Rode In On

DnB Release

The recording session I did with PA Tremblay back in February is finally coming into shape. The title is going to be “DRUM & BASS AND THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON”, and above is the cover art, as usual, by Angela Guyton. We’re still narrowing down tracks and working on general mix/edit stuff, but I’m very excited about the project. It’s all improvisations that range from textural laptop-scapes, to grimy stutter-hop, to some smooth jazz, and many other things that I can’t pretend to come up with names for (those above are inadequate enough).

We’re both very busy at the moment, but it should hopefully be out in a couple of months as, most probably, a self-released, hand silk-screened type thing.

May 5, 2009

I AM YOUR DENSITY : Live in Glasgow

Density Glasgow

I submitted “I AM YOUR DENSITY” to an open call for works for the Red Note ensemble, and it was one of the chosen pieces. I asked my ‘usuals’, and Angie, Anton, Ramsey, and Holly all agreed to take part, and make the drive up with me (Anton actually did the driving). Continue reading »

May 2, 2009

Deaf To Van Gogh’s EP Release


After several months of work, my band, Deaf To Van Gogh’s Ear, finally finished our EP entitled “We Call Them Accidents Because We Don’t Want Them To Happen”. It’s a five song EP and we’re having a release party at Kro Bar in Manchester on the 2nd of May. The EP will be available for sale on the night, as well as on my Store page, and the DVTGE page for £4. Continue reading »

Feb 20, 2009

FUTURESONIC Festival, Extra Life, and Deaf to Van Gogh’s Ear

Extra Life

What do they all have in common?
May 15, 2009 is what. I just found out that we’re going to be performing with Extra Life at the Deaf Institute as part of Manchester’s FUTURESONIC Festival!!

I’ve been a HUGE Charlie Looker fan since the Zs and have pretty much everything he’s put out. I’m super excited just to be able to see them live, much less perform with them.

I will probably be star struck that night.

Oct 28, 2008

SOUND Festival Performance


Just got back from performing in Aberdeen as part of the SOUND festival. Did a solo set with Angela doing live painting, and Serg joining in on a couple of pieces, including a great performance of “The Oceans Like Right There” from an upcoming CD. Continue reading »

Oct 9, 2008

I AM YOUR DENSITY : Live at The Noise Upstairs

Density Score

Just performed I AM YOUR DENSITY at The Noise Upstairs. It was a lot of work to get this done. I am eternally grateful to all of the performers who stepped up.

Thanks to Angela, Anton, Sergio, Zoë, Sukh, Wyn, and Laurence, with a special thanks to The Noise Upstairs for putting it on.
Doing a studio recording in late October. Will likely release it as a single. Continue reading »

Aug 15, 2008

Rodrigo Constanzo : Live at Fuel

rodrigo constanzo

I got a last minute message from Blank Media about doing a solo gig for them. I accepted and planned my set. With Serg having recently come to stay with us I decided to include him, and premiere one of the tunes from ‘Two Point Owe’, “The Oceans Like Right There”. This was also my first performance using the Namasitar.
I bookended this piece with free improv on the Specto and guitar pedals.


Rodrigo Constanzo
-makes music and art
-lives in Porto/Manchester
-is a crazy person

Read my PhD Thesis!

Composition, Performance,
and Making Things,
sitting in a tree :


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I am offering free lessons / conversations / consultations / mentoring / time / support to creative people, locally or remotely.
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