May 5, 2009

I AM YOUR DENSITY : Live in Glasgow

Density Glasgow

I submitted “I AM YOUR DENSITY” to an open call for works for the Red Note ensemble, and it was one of the chosen pieces. I asked my ‘usuals’, and Angie, Anton, Ramsey, and Holly all agreed to take part, and make the drive up with me (Anton actually did the driving). Continue reading »

May 2, 2009

Deaf To Van Gogh’s EP Release


After several months of work, my band, Deaf To Van Gogh’s Ear, finally finished our EP entitled “We Call Them Accidents Because We Don’t Want Them To Happen”. It’s a five song EP and we’re having a release party at Kro Bar in Manchester on the 2nd of May. The EP will be available for sale on the night, as well as on my Store page, and the DVTGE page for £4. Continue reading »

Mar 16, 2009

Sidrassi-Tom Finished

Sidrassi Tom

After over a month of planning, and building I finished this new instrument. What this does is let me play the Sidrassi from my floor-tom, by mounting four piezo pickups inside the tom itself. I’ve already used the Sidrassi as part of my drum setup in a recording context, this only makes it easier to do live. The first performance with the Sidrassi-Tom will likely be in May, at my next solo gig.

For more pictures and detailed info click here.

Feb 28, 2009

PA Tremblay Recording Session

Drum and Bass

After sharing a stage with PA in December, and being invited to speak at the GEM Days festival in Huddersfield, we booked some studio time at Huddersfield University.

I took my ‘drumset’ setup, which as you can see by the pictures is hardly a drumset at all. PA used his 6-string fretless bass + laptop setup which I saw him perform with originally. We improvised for just under two hours and seemed to cover everything from subtle, texture-scapes, to blasts of lo-fi meets hi-fi noise, to stuttering glitch/sludge hip-hop. I look forward to hearing it back, and seeing what will become of it. Continue reading »

Feb 20, 2009

FUTURESONIC Festival, Extra Life, and Deaf to Van Gogh’s Ear

Extra Life

What do they all have in common?
May 15, 2009 is what. I just found out that we’re going to be performing with Extra Life at the Deaf Institute as part of Manchester’s FUTURESONIC Festival!!

I’ve been a HUGE Charlie Looker fan since the Zs and have pretty much everything he’s put out. I’m super excited just to be able to see them live, much less perform with them.

I will probably be star struck that night.

Jan 31, 2009

Speaking At GEM Days Festival


I was invited to speak at the Max/MSP symposium by PA Tremblay after sharing a stage with him in December. I did a power-point presentation on my “lo-fi meets hi-fi” setup of Ciat-Lonbarde electronics (Rollz-5 and Cocolase specifically) and Max/MSP.

It was my first time doing a PowerPoint presentation, and all in all I felt it went extremely well.

Jan 17, 2009

Busy, Busy Bands and More


Busy with Deaf to Van Gogh’s Ear, recording an EP, and doing quite a bit of gigging. Taihanis is back from vacation and rehearsing/preparing to get back to gigging.

I AM YOUR DENSITY is away being mixed by Dan Escauriza, a dear friend who did some engineering on my first release, “The Beatles White Album”. I’ve heard a pre-mix of it and it’s sounding great. I’m so glad he’s mixing it and not me. Continue reading »

Nov 9, 2008

“Asleep at the Monologue” Recording Session


This completes the ‘acoustic’ half of ‘Two Point Owe’. For this one I’m on Melodica, Serg is on guitar, and Hamit, my Tabla teacher, is on Tabla.

It took two sessions to get this right since we had a very limited time window with Serg moving back to the US in a week. Continue reading »

Nov 2, 2008

“I AM YOUR DENSITY” Recording Session

Density Recording

My poor, poor neighbors. We blasted them with noise for about five solid hours. It was a pretty exhausting session, primarily because the material is so loud/dense.
I’m working on the mixing/editing at the moment, and I am incredibly pleased with the results. Expect a ‘single’ release before the end of the year. Special thanks to Angela, Anton, Sergio, Zoë, Ramsey, Wyn, Laurence, Evan, and Adam for being a part of the recording. Continue reading »

Oct 30, 2008

“The Ocean’s Like Right There” Recording Session

Oceans Right There

More ‘Two Point Owe’ recording with “The Ocean’s Like Right There”. Another duo with Serg but this time we are on Namasitar and Banjo. Nearly through with the ‘acoustic’ half of the CD. Continue reading »

Oct 28, 2008

SOUND Festival Performance


Just got back from performing in Aberdeen as part of the SOUND festival. Did a solo set with Angela doing live painting, and Serg joining in on a couple of pieces, including a great performance of “The Oceans Like Right There” from an upcoming CD. Continue reading »

Oct 11, 2008

In The Studio With Takahashi’s Shellfish Concern

TSC recording

With Serg moving back soon, and a recent performance firing us up, we decided to do a studio session. We setup all the usual mics/equipment, and five video cameras and let it roll.

Expect a CD/DVD , currently titled “The Sans of Gilbert”, sometime in early 2009. Continue reading »

Oct 9, 2008

I AM YOUR DENSITY : Live at The Noise Upstairs

Density Score

Just performed I AM YOUR DENSITY at The Noise Upstairs. It was a lot of work to get this done. I am eternally grateful to all of the performers who stepped up.

Thanks to Angela, Anton, Sergio, Zoë, Sukh, Wyn, and Laurence, with a special thanks to The Noise Upstairs for putting it on.
Doing a studio recording in late October. Will likely release it as a single. Continue reading »

Oct 2, 2008

Got My Radio Zither!!

Radio Zither

So what is it?
This is what Peter Blasser, the designer/builder has to say:

RadioZither is wireless technology, in marriage with a fine wooden casket carved from Baltimore City logs. Modeled after the pan-Asian tradition of plank zithers (guqin, gayageum, koto), its form reflects upon ancient heritages. Its function is to transcend traditions through radio, to inspire global thinking physically as well as ethereally.  This instrument sonifies plucks as well as movements between plucks, it is played / meta-played.” Continue reading »



Rodrigo Constanzo
-makes music and art
-lives in Porto/Manchester
-is a crazy person

Read my PhD Thesis!

Composition, Performance,
and Making Things,
sitting in a tree :


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I am offering free lessons / conversations / consultations / mentoring / time / support to creative people, locally or remotely.
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