The Fine Print

Submitted Pieces
Submitted Materials
Thesis Map



I would like to thank:

And the unwavering love and support from my longtime collaborator, Angela Guyton.


Submitted Pieces

.com pieces

  • for snare drum, microphone, & DMX lights
  • for amplified wind instrument and amplified snare drum

Battle Pieces

  • AB(B)A for drum set and saxophone
  • eat, eat everything for drum set and saxophone
  • elbows for drum set and saxophone
  • flurries for drum set and saxophone
  • glitch beat for drum set and saxophone
  • pop song for drum set and saxophone
  • sausage fest for drum set and saxophone
  • strains for drum set and saxophone
  • switches for drum set and saxophone
  • yo momma for drum set and saxophone

Everything. Everything at once. Once.

  • Everything. Everything at once. Once. (1) for snares, objects, and Fourses
  • Everything. Everything at once. Once. (2) for toy piano, percussion, The Party Van
  • Everything. Everything at once. Once. (3) for melodica and Old Mr. Grassi


  • pitchy for soloist and variable ensemble
  • Hands for winds, guitars, and rhythm section


Submitted Materials


.com pieces

Battle Pieces


Cut Glove

Everything. Everything at once. Once.


Grassi Box

The History of Visual Art


Making Decisions in Time


.com pieces

Battle Pieces


  • C-C-Combine – corpus-based audio mosaicing application
  • Cut Glove – live sampling and performance instrument
  • dfscore – realtime dynamic networked score system
  • Grassi Box – hardware-based repatching and mosaicing system
  • Making Decisions In Time – system for the visualization and analysis of improvised music
  • karma~ – looper/sampler external for Max
  • The Party Van – live sampling and performance instrument


.com pieces

Battle Pieces

Everything. Everything at once. Once.


  • pitchy for soloist and variable ensemble
  • Hands for winds, guitars, and rhythm section


Thesis Map

*This thesis is NOT to be read via this map. It is only provided to delineate what pages are contained within the thesis.

Main Chapters

Introduction (& The Past)
Making Decisions In Time (Technically Driven Aesthetic Developments)
Cut Glove (Aesthetically Driven Technical Developments)
Conclusion (& The Future)


.com pieces
Battle Pieces
dfscore 2.0
Improv Analysis Guide
Everything. Everything at once. Once. (1)
Everything. Everything at once. Once. (2)
Everything. Everything at once. Once. (3)
The Party Van
Grassi Box

Auxiliary Pages

Thesis Landing Page
The Fine Print (acknowledgements, music/software, bibliography)

Word Count: 50,961




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  • Ghazala, ReedCircuit-Bending: Build Your Own Alien Instruments. John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
  • Glover, Richard, and Bryn HarrisonOvercoming Form: reflections on immersive listening. University of Huddersfield Press, 2013.
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  • Halpern, Charna, Del Close, and Kim JohnsonTruth in comedy: The manual of improvisation. Meriwether Publishing, 1994.
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  • Heaton, Roger. “Contemporary performance practice and tradition.” Music Performance Research, 5 (2012): 96-104.
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  • Hopkin, BartGravikords, Whirlies & Pyrophones. Ellipsis Arts, 2006.
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  • Miller, Anne. “Video-cued recall: Its use in a work domain analysis.” Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 48 (2004): 1643-1647.
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  • Pluta, Sam. “Laptop Improvisation In A Multi-Dimensional Space.”Diss. Columbia University, 2012. Print.
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.csv format
265 Quartet
5 1/2 Examples of Experimental Music Notation
5 Insane True Facts About StarCraft: The Professional Sport
A Love Supreme
Aaron Cassidy
Acousmatic music
Actions per minute
Agile software development
Alex Grimes
Alex Harker
an amplifier, a mirror, an explosion, an intention
Andreas Weixler
Angela Guyton
Angela Guyton’s blog post on Its Fleece Electrostatic video
Animated music notation
Anne Miller
Anthony Braxton
Anton Hunter
Are AAA hardcore games doomed?
Artificial neural network
Atari 2600 hardware
Auditory scene analysis
Avianscapes photography
Bach Prelude in F minor #12, II
Bach externals
Back on that digital horse
Bart Hopkin
Baschet brothers
Beaker character
Braid (video game)
Braid – Bracketing Time
Braxton Sherouse
Brian Crabtree (tehn)
Broca’s area
Bruno Zamborlin
Bryn Harrison
Butch Morris’ Conduction
Cascading Style Sheets
Cascading Style Sheets transitions
Caleb Kelly
Call of Duty
CeReNeM Centre for Research in New Music
Christian Wolff
Christopher Small
Chunking (psychology)
ciat-lonbarde cocolase
ciat-lonbarde kitten-nettiks
ciat-lonbarde paper circuits
Clément Canonne
Cobra Workshop at The Noise Upstairs
Combo (video gaming)
Concatenative synthesis
Constantin Popp
Curtis Roads
Cycling74 forum activity
Cycling74’s MIRA
D3 library
David Pocknee
Del Close
Dennis Smalley
dfscore API
dfscore composition tutorial
dfscore system
dfscore wiki
Diemo Schwarz
Dirty electronics
Distractfold Ensemble
Document Object Model
Domain Name System
Dowsing rod
Dragon Age
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol daemon
Edmund Snow Carpenter
Episodic memories
Eric Lyon
Erich Fromm
Ernie Ball volume pedal
Evolutionary music
Fabiola Forns’ blog
Farne islands
Fender Deluxe amplifier
Fez (video game)
Fighting game special attacks
First-person shooter
Flow (psychology)
Flutre + Snare blog post
Fred Frith
Fred Frith workshop at Sound festival
Frederic Rzewski
Game theory
Game piece (music)
Gaussian distribution
Gaussian function
Gib Gab (teaching for free)
Gibson / Oberheim Echoplex Digital Pro
Glenn Gould
Good game: The rise of the professional cyber athlete
Graeme Wilson
Granular synthesis
Guitar Hero
György Ligetiörgy_Ligeti
Halo (series)
Halo 4
Halo: Combat Evolved
Harold (improvisation)
Harry Partch
Harry Partch’s instruments
Headless computer system
hi Reference
Internet Protocol
Ian Roberts
Iannis Xenakis
Iannis Xenakis’ Theraps
- full length
In progress blog post
In the studio blog post
Indie Game: The Movie
Insights on Montauk Variations
Interactivity in performance
Internationales Musikinstitut Darmstadt
Introduction to digital signal processing
ipoke~ by Pierre Alexandre Tremblay
iScore system
JavaScript Object Notation
Jack Schaedler
Jazz North’s post on dfscore system
Jean-Jacques Nattiez
Jew Point Owe the making of blog post
John Cage
John Cage Notations 1969
John Coltrane
John Lely
John Richards
John Stevens
John Zorn
John Zorn’s Cobra
Jonathan Blow
Kammer Klang
Karlheinz Stockhausen
Karlheinz Stockhausen’s Mikrophonie
Key frames
Kiri Miller
Kranichstein Music Prize
Lauren Sarah Hayes
Laurie Spiegel
Lawrence Casserley
Lights blog post
Linda Jankowska
Line6 DL4
llllllll forum activity
Local Area Network
Long-form comedy improvisation
Lê Quan Ninhê_Quan_Ninh
Mac OS X
Machine learning
Manchester Jazz Festival
Manta controller
Marian Zazeela
Markov chain
Maternal insult
Matt Besser
Matt Walsh
Matthew Bourne
Michael Baldwin
ml.lib: Machine Learning in Max and Puredata
monome apps
monome arc
monome design and sustainability
monome mesh
Mortal Kombat
Nagle’s algorithm
New Interfaces for Musical Expression
Nic(k) Collins cup
Nicolas B. Garnier
Nikki Moran
Nintento Entertainment System
Ola Stockfelt
Open Sound Control
Open source
PA Tremblay recording session blog post
Pearl snare drum
Peter Blasser’s blog
Peter Evans
Phil Fish
Philip Thomas
Pierre Alexandre Tremblay
Pierre Boulez
Pierre Couprie
Pierre Couprie EAnalysis
Pork Pie snare drum
Prepared piano
Professional StarCraft competition
Pulse-width modulation
Races of StarCraft
Raspberry Pi
Raymond MacDonald
Real-time strategy
Repetitive strain injury
Replacing & Reinforcing Recorded Drums
Richard Craig
Richard Craig’s Amp/AL
Richard Knight
Robert Snyder
Robert Van Heumen
Rodrigo Constanzo’s ciat-lonbarde instruments
Rodrigo Constanzo’s circuit-bent instruments
Rodrigo Constanzo’s composition
Rodrigo Constanzo’s Electric Whisks
Rodrigo Constanzo’s guitar pedals
Rodrigo Constanzo’s instruments
Rodrigo Constanzo interview
Rodrigo Constanzo’s links
Rodrigo Constanzo’s Sidrassi-Tom
Rodrigo Constanzo’s software
Rodrigo Constanzo’s Specty
Roger Heaton
setTimeout function
SSX (series)
Sam Andreae
Sam Freeman
Sam Pluta
Scalable Vector Graphics
Scientists Debunk The Myth That 10,000 Hours Of Practice Makes You An Expert
Scott Hewitt
Sergi Jordà
Shackle system
Shbobo Shnth
Sidney Fels
Sniper Rifle System 99-Series 5 Anti-Materiel
Song structure
Sound Painting
Steve Lacy
Steven Schick
Stockholm in Improvised & Experimental Music Database
Street Fighter
Street Fighter Hadouken
Street Fighter II
strikethrough me and you in the studio
SubRip file format
Super Mario Bros.
Super Nintento Entertainment System
Transmission Control Protocol
Takahashi’s Shellfish Concern
Ternary form
The Chocolate Grinder software
The Echoplex Analysis Pages
The Eclipse of Mars / Never Seen Before True Cyan
The Legend of Zelda
The Noise Upstairs
The Party Bus
The Party has begun blog post
The unlikely relationship of Wolf and Unicorn told through animated GIFs
The Fourier Transform: Representing Signals as Sums of Sines
This is why blog post
Thor Magnusson
Thread (computing)
Tom Ward
Tony Hawk
Touching The Music. Baschet Laboratory Of Sound Sculpture
Trevor Wishart
Trio with PA Tremblay and Sam Andreae blog post
UFC Undisputed 3
USB human interface device class
Umberto Eco
Upright Citizens Brigade
Vi Hart
Video game genre
Video-cued recall
Voice Controlled Interface 4 Digital Musical Instruments
Walking Walking Falling by HAQ
Walter Thompson
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
Weston Olencki’s Table-top trombone demo
What some dead white guy did: A statistical topology of keyboard usage in Beethoven’s Sonatas for pianoforte
Where’s The Party At sampler
Where’s The Party At sampler 2.0
William Burroughs
Xbox 360 controller
Xbox One Controller
Yasunao Tone
Yotam Mann
Zs – Nobody wants to be had


Aluminum Piano concert
Belittling Data Q31 – Richard Knight (dfscore)
Braid Walkthrough, World 4-6 Movement, Amplified
bright light warm light
Burrowed – Anton Hunter (dfscore)
Christian Wolff – For 1, 2 or 3 people
Composition by Sam Andreae for the dfscore system
Fez Gameplay Intro & Amazing Twist
Fez PC Gameplay
Halo 5: Guardians ‘Pegasus’ Map Gameplay
Iannis Xenakis – Metastasis
Ice-T – The Seventh Deadly Sin – Track 2 – Don’t Hate Playa.
Indie Game: The Movie Official Trailer #1 (2012) – Video Game Documentrary HD
Jazz is stupid! I mean, just play the right notes!
John Coltrane – Leo
John Zorn plays Cobra
John Zorn’s COBRA @ The Noise Upstairs
Jonathan Blow: How Mainstream Devs Are Getting It Wrong
Korean Gamers: APM Demonstration
Let’s Play Braid: World 5 – Time and Decision
Ligeti – Artikulation
Loup Barrow 2012 – Cristal Baschet
Lê Quan Ninh, Rodrigo Constanzo, & Sam Andreae
Mortal Kombat 1 – Strategy Guide – Raiden Corner Juggle Example
Mortal kombat 9 – TOP 6 ENHANCED special MOVES
Morton Feldman – Patterns in a Chromatic Field (1/8)
Morton Feldman ~ Triadic Memories
Multitudes Synchrones – Pierre Alexandre Tremblay (dfscore)
Naked City – Thrash Jazz Assassin
Naughty By Nature – O.P.P.
Orthrelm – OV – (full album) – HD
Peter Evans / Sam Pluta (1 of 3)
Prof Aaron Cassidy: Imagining a Non-Geometrical Rhythm [23.03.15]
Refused – New Noise (video)
Richard Craig + Rodrigo Constanzo (Electronic)
Rodrigo Constanzo Solo Drums + Electronics
Sam Andreae solo electro-acoustic
Selected noise quartets version 2 at ICMC 2011
snare-feedback-string pattern
SNES Street Fighter 2 Ryu vs Ken
SNES Street Fighter 2 Ryu vs Ken
Solo Set – Le Bruit de la Musique
Starcraft Speedrun Protoss Mission 7 (0:01:11)
Starcraft: Brood War – (Terran) Mission 1: First Strike (Pt.1)
Super Private VIP Solo Performance Exploring DIY Amplification and The Impact of Loud Noises Upon Reclining Constanzos
Takahashi’s Shellfish Concern – Lights
The Chocolate Grinder (Arc app)
The Party Van – Demonstration/Walkthrough
The Party Van (monome app)
They Became What They Beheld: Medium, Message, Youtubery
Two Headed Expert (Chemistry) [1×23]
Upright Citizens Brigade ASSSSCAT! (Commentary)
Upright Citizens Brigade ASSSSCAT!
Xbox One Impulse Triggers Demo By Microsoft Quintin Morris – Gamerhubtv
Yasunao Tone – Part II (1/3)


Rodrigo Constanzo
-makes music and art
-lives in Porto/Manchester
-is a crazy person

Read my PhD Thesis!

Composition, Performance,
and Making Things,
sitting in a tree :


Learn from me (for free!)

I am offering free lessons / conversations / consultations / mentoring / time / support to creative people, locally or remotely.
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