May 3, 2015

Titles (synchronicity, time travel, magic, etc…)


A Possibility:

Title as prophecy. The art and muck that you are involved with bends around you, is bigger than you, is smarter than you. It points in a direction that you could not conceive. That you could not imagine. It becomes the truth, out from under you. It is an arrow. It is a line.

<as point on line>
You’ve named a thing. It becomes your future.
You name the thing. It becomes a fictional present.
You have to name a thing. Do you give, to become the art?
Which future does the arrow point towards?

You are the single point at which the Universe will crease.
</as point on line>


A Possibility:

Title as bound poetry. You become the filament. The rod. You are honest. And you touch god, the bottom. You can see everything. Naked, you channel truth into a list of things.

<while shivering>
You extend yourself. All of the way.
Profoundly. Endlessly.

Nothing is more important than this moment.
</while shivering>


A Possibility:

Title as arc. There is a beginning, with its end built in. It starts before you are paying attention, and finishes after you’re ashes. It is made up of everything around you. It is a resonance through multiple points of time, folded over each other.

<righting, writing rites>
You become aware of it happening. You make a note.
You live the life required of you.
You are becoming the art.

Your life and the art, are folding together.
It makes sense.

The end is here. The end was always (t)here.
</righting, writing rites>

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Rodrigo Constanzo
-makes music and art
-lives in Porto/Manchester
-is a crazy person

Read my PhD Thesis!

Composition, Performance,
and Making Things,
sitting in a tree :


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