Oct 29, 2014

iminlovewithanothergirl.com – Full Length

Very happy to post this full-length version of iminlovewithanothergirl.com. Even though I’ve talked about the piece several times, and have posted multiple versions of it, I didn’t have a full-length ‘studio’ version of it. Until now.


It was an interesting experience coming back to a studio version of the piece. The very first version of it (that existed before the idea fully coming together as a composition) was really just a document of the snare/friction/feedback ideas I had been playing with. The lights only really joined in for that document, and then were incorporated into the actual piece, once it started congealing.

Since that video, I’ve performed the piece live numerous times, and each time I discover new facets to the feedback playing, and general language/syntax of the piece, but these generally happen as one-off events. Leading up to the initial composition and studio version I did a boot-camp type working process, where each day I would compose new material, record myself performing it (and previous days materials), improvise freely, and finally listen back to everything. That really helped me refine the language and discover new playing techniques. When I’ve performed the piece live, I did not have that luxury of a long period of prep (at the venue), so I would draw on my existing knowledge, as well as exploring the sonic characteristics of that venue and space. The most recently live performance (at Kammerklang) had some very unique and interesting feedback properties that I hadn’t experienced in other venues before. You can see/hear that video here.

Leading up to this studio version, I prepared by doing daily boot-camp like practice of the materials. In doing some I developed and explored some new sounds and syntax which bring a fresh life now to this now nearly 2-year old composition.

Seeing what came before, and what came after, this piece definitely marks a massive shift in my creative thinking, and still stands as one of the best things I’ve done creatively. (this is still the best)



  • […] October 28, 2014 – The full length version of iminlovewithanothergirl.com. And here’s Rod’s blog post about it. […]

  • I discovered this via a friend on YouTube yesterday v(he, you, and I share a love of C-L instruments) – I was absolutely blown away. Such expressiveness and aggression and chaos out of simple ingredients, extreme yet controlled. One of the most clever ideas I’ve heard and seen in some time. Really, really nice work.

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Rodrigo Constanzo
-makes music and art
-lives in Porto/Manchester
-is a crazy person

Read my PhD Thesis!

Composition, Performance,
and Making Things,
sitting in a tree :


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