Oct 25, 2020

Particle Castle Bubble Party!

A while back I announced the start of Amplifiers & Explosions, a a project, collective, community, and sometimes place which I started with Angela Guyton. Building on the play talk play series that I originally mentioned we now have another video series. Particle Castle Bubble Party!

Particle Castle Bubble Party! is basically a Gib Gab but in video form. It turns out I’ve been doing these Gib Gab sessions for over 5 years now(!!), and when speaking to a friend about how to have a broader community engagement with that, the seedling idea for Particle Castle Bubble Party! (PCBP!) was born.

Unlike play talk play, these will not be a regular (monthly) series, as they will come out as often as they happen. I will still do Gib Gabs, but if the person is interested, we can morph it into a PCBP! and then it will be posted.

The first Particle Castle Bubble Party! took place shortly after Zack Scholl contacted me for a Gib Gab session. Zack was open to the idea of exploring the, as of them, solidified and came with a ton of questions and ideas that we unpack and talk through here.


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Rodrigo Constanzo
-makes music and art
-lives in Porto/Manchester
-is a crazy person

Read my PhD Thesis!

Composition, Performance,
and Making Things,
sitting in a tree :


Learn from me (for free!)

I am offering free lessons / conversations / consultations / mentoring / time / support to creative people, locally or remotely.
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